
The team at Andy Magee Plumbing offers the full range of drainage services.

Whether you have a new property needing drains installed, an existing home needing drains replaced or repaired, or blocked drains needing to be investigated and cleared, we can help.

Our trusty Drain Trailer is stocked up with all the cleverest of tools to help us locate the cause of your drainage problems and unblock, repair, or replace as needed.

CCTV Cam and Locator

Our drainage CCTV cam and locator is an important tool in working out the nature and location of your drainage problem. This state-of-the-art system allows us to survey drainage systems in detail, locating faults or obstructions and providing accurate location and depth readings for us to work with.

This allows us to pinpoint the cause of your drain issue quickly, making it cheaper and easier to repair.

Drain Clearing

Our drain trailer also contains a hydro-jetter. This powerful tool sends jets of high-pressure water down pipes to clear obstructions in its path. Jetters can be used in both residential and commercial pipes, as well as the wider council pipe networks.

Hydro jetting is a fast, safe, and reliable way to clear drain blockages, and our jetter is a key part of our arsenal when it comes to both preventative drain maintenance and problem blockage removal.

Along with the CCTV cam and locator and our beloved hydro jetter, our drain trailer also holds a RIDGID drum machine designed to clear drain blockages using a powerful stream of air.

The Andy Magee Plumbing team and our trusty drain trailer are available to rescue drains from Pukerua Bay to Levin, 24×7. Call us now to book an appointment.

Our Services


Plumbing Maintenance


Bathroom, Laundry, and Kitchen Renovations


New Builds




Gas Fitting


Project Management


Heat Pump Water Heating

Get in Touch

Phone: (04) 298-8454

What Our Customers Say about Us

Many thanks for your expertise and coordinating a team of brilliant professionals in such a small time frame. Please thank everyone who worked on the renovations here. I am so amazed at what you all achieved so efficiently and I have already spread the word of Andy Magee Plumbing and it’s capacity to not just centre on plumbing.
A big thank you to your team for doing such a fine job with the plumbing chores. They had to get up onto the roof several times and it was warm. I never heard a bad word from them, they were respectful of my house, discussed what they were doing, and were polite. Things I find missing in many service men that arrive at your property. It was a pleasure to have them on the section.
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